How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month

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Losing weight in a month may seem like a daunting task, but you can do it if you work hard and stay focused. The key is to lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way through a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

1. Set a goal.

Setting a realistic weight or health goal is a great start to your weight loss plan. It will give you something to track and work towards over the course of a month. Think about how much weight you want to lose, what time frame and other health or wellness goals. Set a goal for how much weight and what target weight you'd like to get to within a month.
A healthy rate is generally considered 1 to 2 pounds a week. So what does this mean? Generally, you can lose up to 4 to 8 pounds in a month. Setting a goal to lose more than this amount is generally not realistic. You may also want to set goals about exercise or lifestyle factors. For example, you might set a goal of working out three days a week for 30 minutes. This is a great health-based goal but will also support your weight loss.

2. Take your measurements.

Taking measurements is the most effective way to track your progress. It also can provide information of whether or not your diet and exercise program are effective. Weighing yourself regularly is an easy way to track your progress. Step on the scale one to two times per week and track your weight over time.
You will most likely see the most weight loss in the first week or two during your month time frame. Since weight alone doesn't tell you the full story of your weight loss, you might want to consider taking measurements.

This can help you see where you're losing weight. Take measurements around your shoulders, bust, waist, hips, thighs and measure them about once every two weeks. Over the course of a month, you should be able to see some noticeable changes.

3. Calculate a calorie limit.

In order to lose weight, you'll need to cut out some calories each day. You can choose to cut out calories from diet alone or combine diet and exercise. One pound of fat is about 3500 calories. To lose a pound of fat per week, you need to eat 3500 calories less than you take in each week. Cutting out 500 calories daily will help you lose one to two pounds per week.
Following this plan over the course of the month will help you lose upto 10 pounds. Use your food journal or a food journal app to help you get an idea of how many calories you can cut out from your diet. Subtract 500 calories from a typical day to get a calorie level that will help you lose about one to two pounds per week.

4. Include protein, fruits and vegetables at each meal.

When you're trying to lose weight and cut calories from your diet during the course of a month, you'll want to focus on eating low calorie, yet nutrient dense foods. These foods will help you meet lower calorie levels while still consuming adequate nutrition daily.
Nutrient dense foods are those that are moderately low in calories, but very high in nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins or minerals. They have high amounts of nutrients for few calories.

Lean protein is a great example of a nutrient dense food that will aid in weight loss. It helps keep you satisfied longer throughout the day and when you choose leaner cuts, you'll be choosing lower calorie options.

5. Make 50% of your grain choices whole grain.

Choosing 100% whole grains is considered a better and more nutritious choice compared to refined grains or white flour. Try to make half of all your grain choices whole grain for the most nutritional benefit. Whole grains contain higher amounts of protein, fiber and other essential nutrients. In addition, they are less processed.
One serving of grains is about 1/2 cup or one ounce. Include two to three servings of grains daily. Some studies show that diets that are lower in grains and other carbohydrates result in quicker weight loss compared to low-calorie diets alone. Try limiting your grain choices for faster weight loss.

6. Limit snacking.

Excess snacking or grazing throughout the day may work against your weight loss and may even cause weight gain - especially if you're only giving yourself one month to lose weight. Be mindful of your snacks and limit them to help you lose weight.
Some snacks can fit into your weight loss plan. Choose snacks that are 150 calories or less and that are high in protein and fiber. This combination will give you some energy, essential nutrients and keep you feeling satisfied longer.

Some examples of healthy snacks include: a low-fat cheese stick and a piece of fruit, a small Greek yogurt or a hard boiled egg. Try to snack only if you're feeling physically hungry and it is over an hour or two until your next planned meal or snack.

7. Cut out unhealthy foods.

It's fine to indulge once in a while, but to lose weight, you'll need to limit unhealthy items from your day-to-day diet when you're trying to lose weight within a month's time frame. These foods are generally higher in calories and much lower in nutrients.
Here are some common culprits to avoid: Soda, Chips and crackers, Candy and desserts, White pasta, rice, bread, Foods high in processed sugar, cane sugar, or high fructose corn syrup, Energy drinks and sugary/creamy coffees

8. Drink water.

Not only can water keep you feeling full, it can help you manage your hunger and stay hydrated throughout the day. Aim for about 64 oz or 8 glasses of water daily at a minimum. Some people may even need up to 13 glasses of water daily to stay adequately hydrated.
Carry around a water bottle. You may see that with the reminder of a full water bottle, you'll find yourself drinking much more water simply because it is there. There are ways to jazz up your water without adding lots of calories. Try adding citrus slices (lemon, lime, orange), 0-calorie drink mixes, or making decaf or herbal teas.

9. Include regular aerobic exercise.

Cardiovascular exercise is named so because it gets your heart pumping. Aim for 150 minutes (2 hrs and 30 min) of aerobic exercise each week. Over the course of a month, you can make a serious contribution to your weight loss with physical activity.
You have to make time for exercise. Get creative! Go for a walk before work, or maybe go to the gym right after work. Bike to work, and even start scheduling more physical activities over the weekend. Make exercise dates with others.

If you make a commitment to someone else, you're much less likely to break it. Try to find an activity you enjoy. Working out is a lot less painful if you can feel like you're having fun. Activities to try include: running, hiking, swimming, dance classes, and at home exercise tapes.

10. Build a support group.

Whenever you're trying to lose weight, even in a short amount of time, having a support group is helpful. Studies have shown that those people with support groups have better success with their weight loss long-term.
Try asking friends or family members to help support you through your weight loss. They can be there to be motivating or to hold you accountable. Also consider asking them to join you on your weight loss diet. Many people are looking to lose some extra weight and it can be more fun to do it together.

If you have tried everything else to lose weight and still haven't seen any results, give these 10 tips a try.

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